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Is Kickidler Compliant with the GDPR?

Is Kickidler Compliant with the GDPR?

In this article, you’ll find out whether our Kickidler employee monitoring software is compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation.

When it comes to employer-employee relationship, one can never be too careful, especially when it comes to the concept of employee data privacy. Therefore, the concern of our clients to verify that our software complies with the General Data Protection Act makes perfect sense.

In today’s article we’re going to peel back the layers of GDPR and look at the core of our software to find out if it actually complies with the requirements set by the GDPR (spoiler: it does).

What Is GDPR?

The GDPR, as is well-known, is a European privacy law that gives every EU citizen the right to know and decide how their personal data is being used, stored, protected, transferred and deleted.

This means that whenever a company with European employees collects, stores or accesses their personal data, there is a series of obligations that must be met.

We’ve covered the topic of implementing employee monitoring while complying with the GDPR more in-depth here.

Does Employee Monitoring Comply with the GDPR? 

The good news here is that the law doesn’t prohibit the practice of employee monitoring in the professional environment. On the contrary, the GDPR actually guarantees in a way greater legal certainty, as long as the rules and limitations, which we’ll cover later, are followed.

How to Ensure Employee Monitoring Software Is GDPR-Compliant? 

Article VI of the GDPR obliges all companies to provide clear clarification and guidance on the collection and use of the personal data of their EU-based employees and customers.

As such, it is advisable to draw up a Data Privacy and Security Policy and make sure employees sign a monitoring agreement, thus guaranteeing compliance in the corporate use of the software and eliminating any kind of risk in this regard.

Such Privacy Policy needs to cover how data is used internally, which software is used and for what purpose, while the Monitoring Agreement must be signed by all employees, so that they can’t later claim ignorance of the monitoring exercised.

If you want to install the software on personal devices of employees, for example when it comes to freelancers, we suggest that you draw up a contractual addendum authorizing its use.

With all that being said, it’s crucial to find a balance between the rights of both employees and employers when it comes to the monitoring practices. And keep in mind, transparency is paramount!

Is Kickidler GDPR-Compliant?

Kickidler truly is your ally when it comes to ethical employee monitoring!

As we’ve already mentioned above, the current law as well as case law understand the legitimacy of monitoring corporate devices.

In this sense, applying metrics, for example, for offering bonuses or even having evidence to issue warnings is perfectly possible with the use of our software, if used correctly, i.e. with a duly signed acknowledgment.

It’s also worth noting that Kickidler has an on/off option, meaning that the monitoring of the device will not be constant, instead tracking the activity only during the working hours. Another helpful option could be to turn off the keylogger, which logs all keystrokes.

We at Kickidler will not have access to the personal data of your employees or see what exactly is accessed on the devices being monitored. 

This is because our software is on-premise by default, meaning that all the data will be stored on your company’s computer or server, and you will be the only one who’s monitoring and managing all the records internally, while we simply provide the license to use the software.

In other words, the GDPR does not apply to the existing relationship between us and your company.

What’s more, in addition to helping you manage your team better, Kickidler offers legal certainty in labor relations, since once you notify your employees of the software installation, the reports generated by it can be used as evidence in any labor lawsuit.

Our mission is to optimize workflows, increase employee productivity and protect businesses from data breaches. If using our tool properly, your company will be protected, with greater results and no additional liabilities!

Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software

Alicia Rubens

As a tech enthusiast and senior writer at Kickidler, I specialize in creating insightful content that helps businesses optimize their workforce management.

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