54.4% of Kickidler users have moved to hybrid work. Survey results

01/13/2022, 2490 views
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54.4% of Kickidler users have moved to hybrid work. Survey results

At the end of 2021 we’ve conducted a survey of our users on several important aspects of our employee monitoring software, its features and overall user satisfaction. Here are the results of the survey.

Supervisors, work model, industry, number of employees

Our software is most commonly used by executives (38%), system administrators (28%), and department heads (22%) to monitor their employees.

Most companies that use Kickidler have 10 to 50 employees (28%), 50 to 100 employees (21%) and 100 to 200 employees (12%).

The leaders in terms of industries are IT (23%), manufacturing (17%) and sales (16%).

Most respondents (54.4%) mentioned that they stick to hybrid office, meaning that their employees sometimes work together in a physical office and sometimes work remotely. Overall, our company has switched to hybrid work as well. 

Survey results.

What types of jobs are supervised with the help of Kickidler?

The results of the survey regarding  which professions are most often monitored with Kickidler don’t differ significantly from the previous survey of a similar nature. 

Sales managers are monitored by 61% of respondents. They are followed by accountants (30%), account managers (26%) and purchasing managers (17%). Designers, content managers and lawyers each tend to be monitored by 14% of respondents, while programmers, technical support specialists and marketing specialists are usually monitored by 12% of respondents. As for unusual professions, turns out that one of our users supervises streamers.

Which features are used most frequently, and which ones are missing?

Our most outstanding feature is online screen monitoring. It is used by a whopping 80% of respondents. 59% of those surveyed use screen recording feature, and 55% of respondents also rely on the report on working hours. These features are followed by violation control (35%), keylogger (33%) and productivity analysis (30%). 

Other popular features include a timesheet (24%), the “Details of the Day” report (20%) and the report on trends (16%). 

Surprisingly, an extremely useful feature of our program – Autokick, which we use ourselves – is utilized by no more than 10% of our users. To popularize it, we’ll provide free courses on its use in the near future.

Another interesting thing is that 40% of respondents use the hidden mode and 16% of users receive their reports via email. 

As for the features that we’re currently missing, we’ve noted all your wishes. In the nearest future we’ll add API. Our next step is to release Kickidler cloud app and enable user offline activity monitoring (integration with calendars).

How do users rate our program?

We are delighted that 80% of our users rated our program as a 10, 9 and 8 out of 10. However, the remaining 20% show us that we still have some work to do. We don’t want to turn a blind eye to any potential imperfections, and we’ve already reached out to everyone who has expressed dissatisfaction with our software to find out the reasons and come up with possible solutions.

We are also very pleased with the fact that 60% of respondents rated our tech support 10/10.

Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software

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01/13/2022, 2490 views
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