What's new in Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software 1.65?

03/13/2020, 5167 views
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What's new in Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software 1.65?

Employee Monitoring Software Kickidler has been updated to 1.65 version. Kickidler's new functionality called Autokick is a serious step towards greater autonomy of our system. This update includes tools for self-monitoring of employees behind PCs and automatic notifications of work irregularities.

Now employees who have Kickidler software installed on their computers will be able to see a summary report on their own productivity and receive automatic notifications – “Kicks” – that will inform them about committed violations.

Optionally, supervisor will be able to configure the option of sending notifications of violations to them by e-mail. They'll also be able to turn on and off parts of Autokick's functionality on the employee's PC.

We tried to make sure that the new tools not only have flexible settings, but also are not too complicated for the end user. They will be easily mastered not only by IT specialists, but also by other employees, like heads of divisions and departments, HR and security service specialists.

Autokick is an irreplaceable assistant of the executive that does all the dirty work for him. I know many directors and managers who find it quite stressful to approach their subordinate and tell him to work instead of visiting social media sites or browsing online shops. It's an ungrateful job, but someone has to do it. So why not delegate it to software that will be doing that very task as pedantic as possible? Plus it's completely impartial, which allows you to avoid unnecessary interpersonal conflicts.

Unlike other features of our program, Autokick isn't just for supervisors. It's also useful for ordinary employees that are interested in improving their own productivity. Autokick is ideal for remote workers that suffer from lack of self-organization. Autokick will help overcome procrastination for those who work "in-office." And all this can be done without an unpleasant conversation with the boss.

In addition, Autokick will tell you when a pause is needed, if you work too long without interruption. Professional burnout of valuable employees is now a relevant problem, which in no case should be ignored.

Alexander Mineev, Kickidler Project Manager

What is Autokick?

As we've already stated in the Road Map, Autokick is a thing our clients have wanted for a while. It will help managers a lot by completely automating the function of employee control.

Autokick consists of two parts – self-monitoring tools and automatic notifications of violations.

Self-monitoring tools allow an employee to see brief reports on their own productivity at the computer. By clicking on the icon in the tray, the employee will be able to view his own statistics, including the time he's been productive, unproductive or neutral, as well as the time of inactivity and the total number of hours worked.

We have made self-monitoring reports as concise as possible so that they don't become an additional distraction for employees.

In the next development phase, we'll add the ability for an employee to compare their productivity statistics with those of their colleagues, and the ability for an employee to turn Grabber on and off.

Automatic notifications are pop-ups that notify employees about work irregularities.

Flexible settings of the program allow the supervisor to define what will be considered violation, depending on division, department or an individual employee.

For example, a violation can be considered a low rate of productive activity, a one-time visit to a certain site, launching of a non-productive program, inaction for a certain period of time. It can also be things like reading news for more than 15 minutes within an hour. And that's not all.

Among other things, Autokick can tell an employee who's been working for a long time to take a small break.

In addition, executive can configure the option of sending notifications of violations to their email.

Settings of the new functionality are managed in the Web Interface of the program in “Automatic Notification Management” and “Kickidler Self-Monitoring” sections. Everything there is intuitive and doesn't need to be explained.

Note: Autokick functionality will be disabled by default. To turn it on, you need to go to the Web Interface of the program in “Kickidler Self-Monitoring” section and activate the “Show Employee Self-Monitoring Interface” and/or “Show Employee Current Day Statistics” functions.

We are sure that the new functionality of our program will help you make your business even more efficient!

Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software

03/13/2020, 5167 views
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